
CosMix - The Magic Wands Of Nutrition

4 min read

CosMix - The Magic Wands Of Nutrition

‘You gotta nourish in order to flourish’ guys!  

As we grow up, we understand the importance of good health. We become willing to do whatever it takes for our own well-being. We always try changing our eating habits and make health and nutrition a priority. But eventually, we give up :(  .. that’s no news.

Today’s modern world has made our lives easier, no doubt! But it has also pushed us into a lazy lifestyle. We live in a world where health is commercialized, and well-being is promised with easy-quick solutions. What we don’t realize is that our lifestyle choices cause negative effects on our physical and emotional well-being

A Healthy Outside Starts from the Inside

Health is our greatest investment, then why treat it as an expense, besties?  It’s never too late to start working for the healthiest version of you. A fit body and a calm mind cannot be built overnight; we have to build it, one day at a time, one choice at a time. 

A crap diet is your tongue’s best friend but your tummy’s worst enemy, any second thoughts on that? We have to fuel our bodies with good nutrition. Didn’t we study the basic building blocks of nutrition back in school during those boring science classes? How Macro and Micro are the nutrients that our body needs to promote growth and stay healthy. Well, it’s time to put these essential nutrients into practice.

Cosmix: health benefits

In today’s world, with a number of diseases and pollution, it’s no secret that the nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables that we consume are losing their nutritional value. To add to this, a variety of medical problems, surgeries or common flu, for that matter, affect our appetite that affects our overall health. 

Though we humans have influenced change along with time and evolved beyond nature, we still are a part of nature. With the current scenario, it’s time to go back to the roots, go back to the herbal life. We need to stop depending on synthetic drugs that may have side effects on our health. 

Plants interact with our bodies. Well, one more reason to go all-natural and sustainable. We need to switch to Ayurveda and herbal nutrition to recover and defend ourselves against health problems. There is a wide variety of herbs and medicines in nature to meet our body’s nutritional needs. 

To cater to various nutritional needs of our body, we bring you CosMix. CosMix is a health and beauty brand that is sourced directly from plants for a holistic way of living. ....isn’t that plantastic!


To begin with, we are HUGE fans of Cosmix. 

Cosmix is a thoughtfully put-together range of products that take care of your internal as well as external nourishment. They not only nourish your body but also encourage you to embrace a holistic approach towards health. 

Cosmix was born to help us find the nourishment and care our body needs from within. It was born to bring clean consumerism to the market. Each of their mixes brings a unique blend of herbs, fruits and natural ingredients which are wayyyyyy better than the synthetic drugs that have side effects. The mixes are a balance between ayurvedic wisdom and western herbalism.

 With a balance between ayurvedic wisdom and western herbalism, cosmix brings you the best from plants for every part of your body. Their super healthy and super safe products are derived from super-herbs, superfoods and adaptogens whose effectiveness isn’t really a secret. …we might even call them the real superheroes.

The CosMix Way

Not everything works for everybody and not every product can be a solution to all your problems.  They believe that when it comes to health, only a holistic approach can truly make a difference. This is why they do not promise quick results or any instant fixes. However, they do promise a kind and consistent Cosmix journey for a better way of living. 

Our diet should include vitamins, minerals and all essential micronutrients for healthy living. Most of the regular diets of people do not include these essentials which leads to unhealthy living. Having said that, if you do get adequate amounts of micronutrients from your daily diet, you don’t really need to worry. The superfood mixes are crafted specifically to cater to the problems and requirements our daily diet does not fulfill. 

Cosmix has a variety of mixes for skin, hair, body, everything! We might as well call them the magic wands of nutrition. Their mixes are herbal, natural, Ayurveda-influenced and sourced straight from the farms.

Our Favourite Plant-based Mix

Cosmix is a bundle of Herbal medicine packed in a bottle for you. They offer various natural plant-based mixes for gut health, healthy hair and good skin, women’s holistic health bundle, for stronger immunity and so much more than our imagination.

Inner Beauty Bundle

Our favourite amongst all of them is ‘The Inner Beauty Bundle’. It is for those who practice self-care to seek beauty from the inside. This bundle comprises two super products for the nutrition of hair and skin. 

Healthy Hair

Curly, straight, wavy or coily - the healthy hair mix does not discriminate at all. Healthy Hair is for overall haircare from within. It helps in hair nutrition, the revival of hair roots and restores hair growth.

This product consists of Indian Gooseberry, Goji Berry, Hibiscus, Sunflower Seeds, Bamboo shoot and Moringa, the super-herbs that make our hair super-awesome.

How to Use

There are no rules when it comes to natural and holistic care. You can use Healthy Hair anytime during the day at your convenience. Just mix 1 tsp Cosmix ‘Healthy Hair’ in your meals like curries, dal or anything you eat. You just gotta blend and enjoy the goodness!

Feel Good Skin

Our skin needs nutrition from within, no doubt. This mix gives your skin the holistic care it deserves. It helps the skin in collagen-building, skin regeneration, blood circulation to promote and maintain overall skin health.

This product consists of Strawberry, Maca root extract, Burdock root, Brahmi, Goji Berry and Maqui berry extract which take care of the skin in every significant aspect.

How to Use

You can always use these mixes as per your choice with whatever your heart desires. You can blend it with your favourite fruits and berries for a healthy smoothie; or you could straightaway mix it with milk, buttermilk or even coconut water when in rush.

One Mix and Countless ways to consume!

Make a Lifestyle Change with CosMix

The groundwork of all happiness is good health. A healthy mind and a healthy body can just add the right meaning to wellness. It’s not about the type of food but the ingredients that make it nutritious. It’s about sourcing the right nutrient sources. 

 While finding the balance between mind, body and spirit, we’ve forgotten the beauty of herbs. We promote a healthy lifestyle with Cosmix, do you?

Inner Beauty Bundle

Healthy Hair & Feel Good Skin
Plastic-free Packaging

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Smruti Gutte

Smruti Gutte

Writer, Recurr

About Author

Smruti is pursuing her bachelors in marketing from Pune. Writing, for her, is an art that she is trying to get better at. She is a budding poet and believes words can take you to a whole different dimension. She can ignore people completely while reading romance tales and has a soft spot for vampires. To impress her, all you need is chocolate fudge and an intriguing topic to talk about.

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