
Choose Healthy Snacks For Your Hunger Pangs

3 min read

Choose Healthy Snacks For Your Hunger Pangs

Snacks For the Win

For an average adult, having three courses of meals is not enough. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. We need to fill our stomachs (or time) in between meals. Can you imagine watching Netflix without snacks in hand? The horror! Snacking in the middle of work or before work-outs can also help you boost your energy. (Food is the fuel for your body, of course.) While snacking can be good for you, unhealthy snacks are a strict no-no. No matter how intense the urge is, do not, I repeat, DO NOT pick that bag of potato chips, biscuits or candy. 

Why Healthy Snacks

The idea that healthy= unappetizing is untrue. No, not all healthy snacks are ‘tasteless’. You can make healthy choices that are also delicious. Best of both worlds, one may say!  

More Nutrients in Body = Guilt-Free Snacking

Most healthy snacks are made with complex carbs, proteins, fibres, and nutrients. The wholesome mix of goodness is filling- so you will not have to worry about controlling your appetite. It is also chemical-free- so your body will not be pumped with harmful toxins. You can enjoy snacking in between meals, while watching a movie or while working, without that nagging voice inside your brain. 

Happier You 

Eating a piece of candy (that you think you are craving) may give an instant sugar rush and spike the serotonin in your brain. But, hold on. It will also cause you to crash with equal force and make you cranky. No one wants to deal with a grumpy you. On the other hand, a healthy alternative would give you the energy your body needs and keep you charged up for a long time. 

Increased Productivity 

I don’t know about you, but I can’t concentrate on an empty stomach. The constant cries from my stomach are enough to lose any concentration I may have gathered. If you can relate to my situation, I’ve got good news for you. Eating fibre and nutrient-rich snacks will help you focus on your work better. 

Snack that, Gimme some more… 

Feeling hungry is part of being human. We all get hungry. We all need to eat. If you’re looking to lose weight or maintain an active lifestyle, eating less may not be the solution for you but eating right certainly is. People who suffer from Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), like yours truly, or other health-related issues, need to take extra care of what they put in their bodies. Instead of compromising on the quantity of food, why don’t we concentrate on the quality of food? Choosing healthier (and equally tasty) alternatives can make all the difference in your life.

Jalapeno Ragi Chips

The perfect accompaniment to sour cream and dip!
No Preservatives

Double Cocoa Protein Bar

They lied when they said healthy can't be tasty
Gluten Free

Keto coconut cookies

Not only keto friendly, these cookies are vegan and gluten free too!
Gluten Free
Keto Friendly
No Preservatives

Tea and cookies

Gourmet box of customized tea and cookies
Freshly Prepared
No Preservatives

Vegan Gift Box

Beautifully illustrated gift box filled with vegan delights
Ethically Sourced

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Jalapeno Ragi Chips

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Double Cocoa Protein Bar

They lied when they said healthy can't be tasty

Keto coconut cookies

Not only keto friendly, these cookies are vegan and gluten free too!

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Muskan Mehta

Muskan Mehta

Growth Intern, Recurr

About Author

Muskan is an English Honours graduate from Delhi. She likes picnics in parks; and museums and art. She likes food. Her dream is to travel, but she is also a house cat. She likes bad puns (obviously). She is quick with her wit, and quicker to help someone when in need.

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