
Murtle: Footwear with Changeable Straps

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Murtle: Footwear with Changeable Straps

I’m back with another *fun* activity for you, dear readers. I need you to count the number of footwear you currently own. Yes, that includes the slippers you wear at home. This will stay between us. Pinky promise. If your answer is anything above 3-4, then I have news for you. That’s way too many. 

Did you know? The fashion industry is one of the leading contributors to pollution. According to the World Bank, the fashion industry is “responsible for 10% of annual global carbon emissions.” 

What can we, as consumers, do to prevent that? We can start shopping consciously.  

Meet Murtle: a Hyderabad-based brand that offers sustainable footwear made with cork. The people at Murtle aim to help you stay stylish and help the planet with their sustainable and handmade products. 

Multiple pairs at the cost of one

Are you someone who likes to match their footwear with their outfit? If yes, then I have great news for you. It’s not pocket (or environment) friendly to buy multiple pairs of shoes. What is economical is to buy a single pair that comes with more than one strap! You read that right. With each pair, Murtle offers three changeable straps that come in different colours. You can match your shoes with your mood. 

Walk towards sustainability 

Sustainable fashion (which is something that we all need to get behind) includes clothes and footwear that last for a long time. It means choosing the right raw materials that are durable. 

As mentioned above, the material used by Murtle to make their products is cork. It is soft, durable, odour free and best of all, 100% natural. According to the brand, cork material has a natural elasticity and shock absorption capacity. This makes cork footwear great for those with various kinds of foot pains.

What truly sets Murtle apart from the rest is their use of ‘Sole Plates’. Unlike other footwear companies that use velcro or magnets, Murtle’s sole plates are made of ABS plastic (It is recyclable!).


Upcycle old shoes

What will happen once I wear them down? What next? Don’t fret. The people at Murtle have the right answer for you. Once you’re done using the footwear, you can send it to them with a new fabric of your choice. The skilled workers of Murtle will upcycle your old shoes to perfection and send them back to you. This will help you reduce your waste footprint. The fewer the products in landfills, the better it is for everyone! And let’s be real. It will also help you save money. Win-Win. 

Find your sole-mate

We need shoes, duh. Do we need 10 pairs of shoes? No. No matter how cool they look in the store or how much you may want them. You probably don’t need them. We all have heard of the 3Rs: Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. But how many of us actually employ them in practice? Are we actively reducing the waste we generate? Are we reusing products that we already own? Are we recycling/upcycling used products? These are the questions we need to ask ourselves. 

Murtle offers us the opportunity to begin (or continue) our journey to lead a more sustainable life. Let’s start by supporting them.

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Muskan Mehta

Muskan Mehta

Growth Intern, Recurr

About Author

Muskan is an English Honours graduate from Delhi. She likes picnics in parks; and museums and art. She likes food. Her dream is to travel, but she is also a house cat. She likes bad puns (obviously). She is quick with her wit, and quicker to help someone when in need.

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